Is the Fear of Needles Real?
The fear of needles is real to anyone who has it. However, it is False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR). As the emotional memory image (EMI) which is buried deep inside of the unconscious mind, springs to life upon seeing the needle or entering a hospital. The fear may seem irrational, but if you ever ask anyone who has trypanophobia how big they believe the needle is, they will tell you that it’s huge! The reason they see it as huge is that they are viewing it through the eyes of a child, the mind’s eye.
Why do needles give me anxiety?
How can I help my child overcome trypanophobia?
Can I suffer from a fear of needles in dentistry?
How common is needle phobia?
Needle phobias are surprisingly common, a quick google search reveals around 25% of adults are afraid of needles (iii). If you were to consider that these parents can then teach their children how to be anxious and afraid of injections, then it’s easy to see why some psychologists suggest this fear has a genetic basis. Aichmophobia is a morbid fear of sharp or pointed objects and is also associated with Trypanophobia.
What is Trypanophobia Called?
“Fear of needles, known in medical literature as needle phobia, is the extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles. It is occasionally referred to as aichmophobia, although this term may also refer to a more general fear of sharply pointed objects. Since the mid-2000s, it has also been referred to as trypanophobia, although the origin and proper usage of that term is highly controversial.”
Funnily enough, this trypanophobia is more prevalent in children, it can lessen as they grow older.
The phobia is usually driven by the parent’s anxiety for the child.
Unconsciously the child picks up on the parent’s anxiousness, which in turn ignites their own.
It’s True! No One is a Fan of Medical Procedures Involving Injections!
They hurt but what if you’re one of those people who has a needle phobia!
The thought of a needle can raise your blood pressure.
In some cases THE most extreme fear.
If you can’t think of a medical appointment without breaking out into a cold sweat, then you may have trypanophobia.
What can you do if you can’t face the needle? Cognitive-behavioral therapy? Exposure therapy? Medical procedures? Relaxation techniques? Seeing a mental health professional like myself may be the key to boosting your mental health and fixing the anxiety disorder that comes with trypanophobia.
Are Needle Phobias Genetic/Inherited?
You might think Trypanophobia is genetic but you would be wrong.
What I’ve come to realize throughout my 30 years of experience, is that our mind is very good at taking on split-second learning.
This is part of our survival mechanism, if something creates fear in our caregiver e.g. your mum or dad, then our unconscious mind rationalizes that it must be bad for us.
The best example I can give is when you are taken for your first vaccination, you are a tiny child and you’re sitting in your mum or dad’s arms feeling happy, comfortable, and safe!
Then the health practitioner produces the dreaded needle, if your caregiver is in any way afraid of that needle, your below-conscious system will pick up on their anxiety.
This split-second learning is then rolled forward in time, whenever you are anywhere near a hypodermic needle the memory of the original response fires.
Therefore, trypanophobia is definitely not genetic but arguably it is inherited as you learn the fear from your parents.
Why You Have a Needle Fear or Trypanophobia
Most common wisdom indicates that fear is picked up in childhood.
Perhaps, you were taken to an appointment and given a needle, while an afraid adult caregiver looked on, sensing your pain. It’s very easy for an adult to pass that anxiety onto a child, leaving them with a lifelong fear of injections.
You may also be apprehensive of needles thanks to a traumatic incident with a medical procedure in the past. This may have caused you some pain, like getting your blood drawn for a blood test. If something went wrong, it’s stressful to ever repeat the process. Whatever happened, you’re now living with this terror of injections. It may not be a problem most of the time, but if you develop a medical condition and need injections for it, it’s going to make it much more stressful for you, possibly causing you problems like panic attacks or a rise or fall in blood sugar, possibly even giving you physical pain at the thought of it.
What Happens if You Need an Injection?
So if you have trypanophobia and need an injection, what happens to you? As the date of the treatment comes closer, you’ll suffer from mental health conditions like anxiety. You’ll be worrying about everything that could happen as you contemplate the needle stick. This will interfere with your general
health, sleep, and well-being.
During the injection, you’ll find you have an elevated heart rate. Many sufferers report their blood pressure dropping rapidly, even causing them too faint. Because fear is a primal thing, it starts up your fight or flight responses which could lead to panic attacks, a genuinely physical response.
Even if you only get one of these symptoms, it’s unpleasant at best for you. You have so much stress and worry over a medical appointment that it’s hard to get the care you need.
Lasting Effects of Needle Phobia
If you live with this, you know just how much harder it makes getting medical care. Appointments and procedures are filled with dread, whereas for others it’s a simple procedure that they don’t think about. Many people who are afraid of needles find themselves avoiding getting the proper care they need because they’re so afraid of getting the needle stick.
Moreover, it really dents your self-confidence. You just want to be able to get a needle stick and move on, but the fear makes it so difficult. You feel less confident in yourself, and that affects your overall well-being.
How You Can Overcome Trypanophobia
You know that while your fear is real, you need to be able to overcome the apprehension that you feel for needles. This is especially true if you’re looking to get medical care in the future. The good news is that it’s possible for you to overcome that fear.
Firstly, you may find that you don’t need to have needle injections at all. There are lots of ways you can get medications without injections, so ask your healthcare provider to provide medical advice, they will let you know if there is a treatment plan or medical treatment that doesn’t involve needles. There has also been a lot of work put into jet injections. These use high pressure to force medication under the skin, without the need for needles.
You can also overcome this by undertaking certain therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioural Counselling, or CBT. This gradually exposes you to needles, helping you get used to them and become less afraid.
Another option is to use mindfulness and meditation to help you calm yourself before medical injections. There are lots of apps that have guided meditations that help you do this. Meditating before an appointment helps you keep calm and get through the needle stick process.
How to Stop Being Needle Phobic
Once you decide to overcome your phobia, you’ll feel better almost instantly. As you decide to do something about it, you’ll feel that you’re regaining control. Before, it was your fear that controlled you.
Just undertaking treatment for your trypanophobia is a great step forward. Remember, you can undertake treatment at your own pace. Keep making steps forward, and you’ll see that the prick no longer holds that feeling of dread for you.
Trypanophobia is debilitating, and even dangerous for your health, both mental and physical. Luckily, there are lots of options to help you overcome that fear. Try them on their own, or in combination
Using Hypnotherapy for Trypanophobia
One technique that has worked really well for trypanophobia is hypnotherapy. This is used for several phobias and is a gentle, relaxed way to work towards dealing with that fear. A hypnotherapist will work with you to disassociate the idea of needles from feelings of fear and panic, making you feel much calmer should you need to get an injection in the future.
One of the great things about hypnotherapy is that it’s accessible to anyone. You can go to a hypnotherapist if you have one available in your area, or you can access it online. There are hypnotherapists who can work with you online, helping you work through these fears.
If you want hypnotherapy for trypanophobia, which you can access any time you want, you can download our audiobook. Designed Written and Read by expert mental coach Matt Hudson, he will walk you through the process of reducing that fear.
The audio hypnosis download works by tapping into both the conscious and the unconscious mind. Matt works to dismantle trypanophobia by helping you associate them not with fear but with well-being. To get the best results, listen to the book once a day for four weeks, ideally at the beginning of the day. Ensure you are in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed when you listen to it. Soon, you’ll see the difference it will make to you.
Does Hypnotherapy Work for Needle Phobia?
The simple answer is yes, hypnotherapy does work for this, the challenge is not all hypnotherapy is good hypnotherapy.
It is an art and a skill set that is built on many years of study and client hours. In a study for the use of hypnosis in the management of trypanophobia, a 15-year-old girl was used to demonstrate the power of hypnosis in overcoming it.
(i). The use of hypnosis in the management of needle phobia. 39. 189-195. Hypnosis was used in the management of anxiety for a 15-year-old girl who had developed a fear of needles originating from a negative experience during the first of a series of three school vaccinations. A treatment approach incorporating hypnosis within a cognitive therapy framework was designed and implemented to achieve a successful outcome. Age regression and progression were utilized to acknowledge, harness, and then practice the desired response and post-hypnotic suggestion enabled these lessons to be generalized and applied to other aspects of the client’s experience.
Be Free of Your Fear of Needles – Self Hypnosis Now!
I’m Matt Hudson and I may not be a Harvard medical school graduate or clinical psychologist but over the last 30 years, I’ve helped hundreds of people with ‘jab’ issues without the aid of medication.
My Natural approach has worked for over 100 different ailments, fears, phobias, illnesses, and psychophysiological dis-ease.
In my career, I’ve found that most people can be helped in the comfort of their own home through my self-coaching products like the one below. If you think this could help you or a family member then you are in the right place.
Accept my help today! Click the button below to get started.
Fear of Needles (Trypanophobia) Self Hypnosis Coaching Download
– Designed for anyone who wants to overcome Trypanophobia
– A powerful aid to self-hypnosis
– Hemi-Sync® audio production
– Creates a calming mental state that accelerates natural healing
– Stimulates the release of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins
– An essential part of your recovery toolkit
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