Fear of the Dark (Nyctophobia)


– Designed for anyone who wants to overcome fear of the dark
– A powerful aid to self-hypnosis
– Hemi-Sync® audio production
– Creates a calming mental state that accelerates natural healing
– Stimulates the release of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins
– An essential part of your recovery toolkit


Are you scared of the dark?

If you’ve answered ‘yes’, then you are suffering from Nyctophobia also known as noctiphobia, scotophobia, achluophobia and lygophobia. The definition/meaning of nyctophobia comes from the Greek ‘nyx’ meaning night and ‘phobia’ meaning fear. The pronunciation of nyctophobia is ‘nic-toe-phobia’ it is a fear of the night, night-time or darkness.

Nyctophobia symptoms

The nyctophobia symptoms can be intense and petrifying, they are not a joke. Your primitive brain believes that there is something in the darkness that will ‘kill you’! In order to have a phobia of any kind your amygdala and your brain must believe that you are about to die, hence the extreme reaction to the problem. Dry mouth, heightened anxiety, tears, sweating, the shear panic that floods your body in the blink of an eye, is overwhelming.

What causes the fear of darkness phobia

This can be a problem for some children with the bogie-man hanging around, clowns and strange things going bump in the night, but it shouldn’t be this way, period. When you think about it you’ve just spent 9 months of your life in a fairly dark place, your mother’s womb, so how on earth can you have developed your fear. It’s not only children that are affected by this unnatural fear, but older folks also get it. That is to say, it’s very rare that a child will grow out of it.

Fear of the dark in adults

Fear of the dark in adults is more common than you might think. I have worked with many adults to clear this illogical fear. Although, you may be older, the fear sits inside your mind, just waiting for the chance to leap out and save you from the darkness. 

Test yourself tonight, all you have to do is leave your wardrobe door open and see if you can sleep. It sounds a simple enough request, but you would be very surprised at the amount of people that just can’t achieve this task. This is because the fear has been with you for years and the source of the fear is usually very mundane and uneventful. Sadly, the phobic response suggests that something traumatic or unspeakable must have happened to you when you were a child. However, with nearly 30 years of experience, I can confidently tell you that your fear is more likely to have been caused by a worrying parent or carer.

Your young mind is ready for bed, and you are in wanting to go to sleep, but your parent or carer leaves the light on, thinking they are being nice! Oh, dear!!! Your mind looks for patterns, why would they leave the light on? There must be something bad in the dark, otherwise the light would be off? Your young mind then fills with thoughts of the Jabberwocky and terrible things that might appear from the shadows, the tiger under the bed.

This is what causes nyctophobia, but even as you read this and think it makes sense, you still can’t shake the fear, why? Because it’s unconscious and embedded deep within your mind.

Hypnosis for fear of the dark

Using hypnosis for fear of the dark is a great idea. You are guided into a comfortable state of mind and then from this place of relaxation, you then enter the darkness. It’s the brain chemistry associated with the fear that changes, owing to you being in such a relaxed state. Your brain then rewires, so that you are no longer afraid. 

The nyctophobia symptoms can be intense and petrifying, they are not a joke. Your primitive brain believes that there is something in the darkness that will ‘kill you’! In order to have a phobia of any kind your mind must believe that you are about to die, hence the extreme reaction to the problem. Dry mouth, heightened anxiety, tears, sweating, the shear panic that floods your body within the blink of an eye is overwhelming.

This can be a problem for some children with the bogie-man hanging around, clowns and strange things going bump in the night, but it shouldn’t be this way, period. When you think about it you’ve just spent 9 months of your life in a fairly dark place, your mother’s womb, so how on earth can you have developed your fear. It’s not only children that are affected by this unnatural fear, but older folks too. That is to say, it’s very rare that a child will grow out of it.

Can hypnosis get rid of your phobia of darkness

Can hypnosis get rid of fear of the dark? This is a very good question and the answer is ‘YES’, providing you are using a professional hypnotherapist or hypnotist. There are some who would have you believe that nyctophobia is a natural and age-appropriate fear, they are incorrect. Darkness comes to us every day or to be more specific every night, it’s the most natural thing in the world for you to experience, yet it terrifies you!

Case Studies

Case Study 1

I was delivering an NLP training course in Sweden about 10 years ago, at the time I would offer to work for free with anyone who had a phobia that I hadn’t worked with before. This grown man walks in and declares he has a fear of ‘corners’! Yes, you read that correctly ‘corners’. So, we were sat in front of a live audience and I was puzzled. I definitely hadn’t come across this condition before. I asked him which corner was he most afraid of? Since there were four corners in the room we were in, I figured let’s see what happens.The guy pointed to one particular corner, I looked and compared it to the other three. Then I exclaimed that he wasn’t afraid of corners he needed hypnosis for fear of the dark! The corner he picked was darker than the others, so it made perfect sense. The guy stared at me blankly and then said, “but I go hunting at night!” He then proceeded to explain how he hunted with his friend, 2 dogs and a gun. Then he thought a little longer and went on to explain that in his apartment block the laundry room was in the basement and the light didn’t come on until you stepped out of the elevator into the darkness. He never did the laundry alone, but he didn’t know why… now he did. He was afraid of the dark. Since this was a demo that I had undertaken many times, the client was more than willing to pay for his session, which all in all lasted about 20 minutes, including all of the fun and laughter that went with it.

Case Study 2

Another nocturnal fear is ‘Somniphobia’, fear of the thought of going to bed, also known as hypnophobia, clinophobia, sleep anxiety, or sleep dread. I had a mother bring her daughter to me for a one-to-one session to overcome somniphobia. The child had been receiving treatment from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for 6 years! Yes, you did read that correctly. Anyway, the session took approximately 10 minutes. The next day the mother called to say that her daughter had gone to bed naturally, as if nothing had ever been a problem. She and her husband were both astounded, shocked and overjoyed at the immediate result.If you look at my work around negative emotional memory images (EMI’s) then you may be able to figure out that at some point in her past, the child had either moved house or at the very least moved bedrooms during autumn. As Sherlock Homes would put it, the answer is elementary. The new bedroom was darker than the previous one, so the child created, subconsciously of course, a negative EMI, which would then fire whenever bedtime drew near. Clearing the EMI cleared the problem. The mother also reported that she knew it was something to do with the bedroom, so she had redecorated it many times, to no avail. The bedroom the child feared was inside her mind’s eye and not outside in our shared reality.

So, you can hopefully get a better idea of what causes nyctophobia the fear of the dark, the better question is really ‘who causes nyctophobia’ not what. The answer to how to get over fear of the dark is by unlearning your phobia. You can do this by listening to my audio hypnosis coaching program. Learning to unlearn your fear and relearn all of the fun that you can have in the dark.

My Audio Download

Having a fear of the dark is probably amongst the most unnatural fears that we possess. We spend approximately nine months happily growing inside the darkness of our mother’s womb, so how on earth do we manage to be scared of the dark? Most two year olds have no fear, because they haven’t been taught it yet, it’s only when their parent or caregiver thinks to leave the bedroom light on that their young minds begin to believe that there must be something bad in the dark, otherwise, why would they leave the light on? Somehow the irrational begins to make sense. 

Ultimately it comes down to how your mind approaches the idea of you being in the dark. If you see it as a large threat, then your primitive brain will spring into action causing adrenaline to pump through your veins, whilst simultaneously shutting down the smart brain, leaving you feeling terrified, isolated and anxious. By transforming how you think about the dark you will be able to use all of your brain to learn that you have control over your emotions for years to come.

This audio production is designed to help you, the listener with gaining more confidence when you want it. By clearing negatively charged Emotional Memory Images from your external screen, your mind and body are able to adapt to the present moment, freeing you of the mental clutter that prevents the arousal centre of your brain from functioning optimally. This audio is your own personal 1 to 1 session with Matt, always available at your convenience.

Matt’s calming, assuring voice gently guides both your conscious mind and unconscious mind towards transformation through the left and right ear respectively. By tapping into the body’s psychoneuroimmunilogical mechanisms – the link between the mind, nervous system and physical wellbeing – this audio helps your brain to improve its cognitive processing ability so your mind will be free to run bright, colourful movies where you can reconnect all of your desires, experiencing them fully, through thought into action.

For best results, listen to this audio download first thing in the morning or during the day, every day for 4 weeks. Ensure you’re free from interruptions and distractions when listening. Download now to start building up your learning power and transform your current thoughts into powerful drivers for change.

This audio is a .MP3 file, compatible with smartphones, tablets, PC’s and other electronic devices.

Audio length: 30 minutes.

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