Fear Of Flying

The fear of flying, also known as aviophobia or aerophobia, is a common anxiety disorder characterized by an intense fear or anxiety specifically related to flying or being on an airplane. This fear can range from mild discomfort to severe panic attacks, making it challenging for individuals to travel by air.

The causes of this fear can vary from person to person, but some common factors include previous traumatic experiences, fear of heights or claustrophobia, a sense of lack of control, and a fear of a plane crash. Understanding these underlying causes is essential in addressing and overcoming the fear.

Symptoms of the fear of flying can manifest both physically and psychologically, such as increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, feeling dizzy or faint, and a sense of impending doom or panic. These symptoms can be distressing and can significantly impact the individual’s ability to travel by air.

Fortunately, there are various strategies and techniques available to help individuals overcome their fear of flying. These include education and understanding the safety measures and protocols in aviation, relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) to challenge and reframe negative thought patterns, and gradual exposure therapy to desensitize oneself to the fear.

There are many support and resources available for individuals struggling with the fear of flying. This can include specialized fear of flying courses and workshops, support groups where individuals can share their experiences and receive guidance, and online resources and apps that provide information, relaxation exercises, and virtual reality simulations to help individuals manage their fear.

Seeking professional help from a therapist or psychologist who specializes in anxiety disorders and phobias can also be beneficial for individuals dealing with a severe fear of flying. They can provide personalized treatment plans and support to help individuals overcome their fear and regain confidence in flying.

Finally, there are certain practical tips that individuals with a fear of flying can employ when they need to fly. These tips include booking morning flights, choosing the right seating that feels comfortable, distracting oneself with entertainment or hobbies during the flight, and informing the flight attendants about their fear to receive additional support and reassurance.

With the right strategies, resources, and support, individuals can effectively manage and overcome their fear of flying, allowing them to travel and explore the world with greater ease.


What Is Fear of Flying?

Fear of flying, also known as aviophobia, is a specific phobia characterized by an intense fear or anxiety when traveling by plane. Individuals with this fear may experience panic attacks, extreme anxiety, or avoidance behaviors when faced with flying. Aviophobia can be caused by various factors such as a fear of heights, turbulence, or a lack of control.

Causes of Fear of Flying

If you’ve ever felt your heart race and palms sweat at the mere thought of flying, you’re not alone. In this section, we’ll unravel the causes behind this common fear, from previous traumatic experiences to anxieties surrounding heights or claustrophobia. We’ll also touch upon the unsettling feeling of relinquishing control and the fear that lingers of a potential plane crash. Hold on tight as we explore the inner workings of the fear of flying phenomenon.

1. Previous Traumatic Experience

A previous traumatic experience, such as Sarah’s encounter with severe turbulence during a flight to Paris, can be a significant factor in developing a fear of flying. These experiences, like witnessing an aviation accident, can leave lasting emotional scars that affect one’s ability to board an aircraft. Overcoming this fear often requires addressing the underlying trauma through therapy and gradually exposing oneself to flying again.

In Sarah’s case, the unnerving experience of severe turbulence caused her to develop a fear of flying, leading her to avoid airplanes for several years. However, with the unwavering support of a therapist, Sarah decided to confront her fear head-on and gradually started facing her anxiety by taking flights again. Through therapy and her determination to overcome her fear, Sarah successfully conquered her aversion to flying. As a result, she not only travels to different destinations but also genuinely enjoys the experience.

2. Fear of Heights or Claustrophobia

Fear of heights or claustrophobia are two common causes of fear of flying. These fears can make being in an airplane cabin feel suffocating and overwhelming. Strategies such as relaxation techniques and gradual exposure therapy can help individuals with these fears overcome their fear of flying. Seeking professional help and joining support groups can also be beneficial.

3. Lack of Control

Lack of control is a common cause of fear of flying. Here are some strategies to address this:

Learn about the physics of flight to understand that pilots are in control.

Practice deep breathing and relaxation techniques to feel more in control of your body and emotions.

Seek cognitive behavioral therapy to challenge negative thoughts and gain a sense of control.

Gradually expose yourself to flying through simulation or short flights to build confidence.

The fear of flying often stems from a lack of control. To overcome this, you can try various strategies:

Gain knowledge about the physics of flight to reassure yourself that pilots have full control.

Incorporate deep breathing and relaxation techniques into your routine to regain control over your body and emotions.

Consider cognitive behavioral therapy as it can help challenge negative thoughts and provide a greater sense of control.

Take gradual steps to expose yourself to flying, such as simulation or short flights, to gradually build confidence.

4. Fear of a Plane Crash

Past traumatic experience involving a plane crash

Fear of heights or claustrophobia triggered by the enclosed space of an aircraft

Feeling of lack of control and dependency on the pilots and crew

Anxiety about the possibility of a plane crash occurring during the flight

Fear of a plane crash


Symptoms of Fear of Flying

Fear of Flying can manifest in various symptoms, including increased heart rate, sweating, shortness of breath, and feelings of panic or anxiety. Some people also experience nausea, dizziness, and trembling. Understanding these symptoms of Fear of Flying can help individuals seek appropriate support or interventions to overcome their fear.

Strategies for Overcoming Fear of Flying

Discover effective strategies to conquer your fear of flying in this power-packed section. From education and understanding to relaxation techniques, cognitive behavioral therapy, and gradual exposure therapy, we will explore a range of proven approaches designed to help you overcome your fear and take to the skies with confidence. Leave your worries behind as we dive deep into practical methods that will empower you to soar above the clouds.

1. Education and Understanding

Education and understanding are vital for conquering the fear of flying. Through acquiring knowledge about the science behind flight, the safety measures implemented by airlines, and the statistical data related to air travel, people can enhance their comprehension and reduce their anxieties. Additionally, individuals can benefit from education by attending specialized fear of flying courses, participating in workshops, or utilizing online resources to expand their understanding of the aviation field.

2. Relaxation Techniques

Deep breathing exercises: Practice slow, deep breaths to help relax the body and calm the mind.

Progressive muscle relaxation: Tense and relax each muscle group to release tension and promote relaxation.

Visualization: Imagine a peaceful and enjoyable place to help distract from fear and anxiety.

Meditation: Focus on the present moment and cultivate a sense of inner peace and calm.

One person who suffered from fear of flying tried relaxation techniques during a flight and found them incredibly helpful. By incorporating relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and visualization, they were able to stay calm and enjoy the journey, ultimately overcoming their fear of flying.

3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been confirmed as a highly effective method for addressing individuals’ fear of flying. By actively questioning and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, CBT assists individuals in conquering their fear. Techniques like exposure therapy and relaxation exercises are commonly employed in CBT to gradually desensitize individuals to the act of flying.

4. Gradual Exposure Therapy

Start by visualizing yourself being on an airplane.

Gradually expose yourself to airplane-related stimuli, such as watching videos of takeoffs and landings.

Visit an airport and spend time in the terminal, gradually increasing your comfort level.

Take short flights to nearby destinations, slowly building up to longer flights.

Seek professional guidance from a therapist experienced in gradual exposure therapy.

Sara had a fear of flying that prevented her from taking vacations or visiting loved ones. Through gradual exposure therapy, she first started by imagining being on an airplane and eventually took her first flight in years. With each step, her confidence grew, and she was finally able to overcome her fear and enjoy the journey of flying once again.


Split Second Unlearning and Hypnosis

Split Second Unlearning is the theory that suggests fear is learnt in an instant and should thereby be unlearnt via a similar process. No matter how much conscious knowledge and understanding you acquire about your fear of flying, you will always remain afraid until your subconscious mind lets go of the fear. It’s all well and good practicing relaxation techniques but ultimately you have to confront your fear and step onto an aeroplane. CBT and exposure therapy bring you closer and closer to the environment that triggers your fear, this can be very uncomfortable for you. Whereas Split Second Unlearning (SSU) focuses on the actual source of your fear, a subconscious emotional memory image; when this image is cleared your fear vanishes instantly. The SSU process has been compounded into a hypnosis audio download that combines relaxation and rapid change work to create a flight phobia cure in under 20 minutes.

Support and Resources for Fear of Flying

Looking to conquer your fear of flying? We’ve got you covered with a wealth of support and resources. From fear of flying courses and workshops to support groups and online resources, there are various avenues to explore. Discover practical tools, expert guidance, and even apps designed to help alleviate your anxiety. So fasten your seatbelt and get ready to soar above your fears. It’s time to embrace the skies with confidence and convenience.

1. Fear of Flying Courses and Workshops

Research local fear of flying courses and workshops that specialise in helping individuals overcome their fear of flying.

Contact the organisations or instructors offering these courses to inquire about their curriculum and teaching methods.

Choose a course or workshop that aligns with your needs and preferences, considering factors such as duration, location, and price.

Attend the sessions with an open mind and willingness to actively participate in the activities and exercises provided.

Follow the guidance and instructions from the course instructors, implementing the techniques and strategies they teach.

Practice the techniques and coping mechanisms learned during the course or workshop in real-life scenarios, such as during flights or flight simulations.

Continuously monitor your progress and seek additional support or guidance if needed.

Consider joining support groups or online communities to connect with others who have similar fears and can provide additional encouragement and advice. Remember that overcoming the fear of flying is a gradual process, and it is important to be patient and kind to yourself throughout the journey.

2. Support Groups

Support groups, such as the ones for individuals with a fear of flying, are highly advantageous.

These groups create a safe haven where people can openly share their experiences and receive the necessary emotional support.

By joining a support group, individuals gain access to practical tips and coping strategies specifically tailored for managing flying anxiety.

The participation in these groups enables individuals to realise that they are not alone in their fear, fostering a sense of solidarity.

For those looking for easily accessible options, online support groups like forums and social media communities are a great choice.

However, for individuals seeking a more personal connection, joining a local support group allows them to connect with others who face similar challenges.

3. Online Resources and Apps

Online fear of flying courses

Fear of flying apps with relaxation techniques and virtual reality simulations

Virtual support groups for individuals with fear of flying

Online forums and communities to connect with others who share the same fear

Therapeutic online programs specifically designed to address fear of flying

In 2020, due to the global pandemic, many online resources and apps shifted online, providing individuals with convenient access to support and guidance. These online resources and apps have been instrumental in helping people overcome their fear and regain their confidence in flying.

Matt Hudson’s Fear of flying Audio Download

Matt Hudson is the worlds leading authority of Split Second Unlearning. A published author on the subject of fear who has put together a suite of hypnosis audio downloads to resolve your phobias. Hudson’s work spans almost 3 decades and many of his techniques are used by other therapists and coaches across the world. Why chose this fear of flying download?

  • Affordable
  • Time saving
  • Effective
  • Gauranteed

Seeking Professional Help for Fear of Flying

Seeking professional help for fear of flying is a crucial and effective step towards overcoming this phobia. When individuals feel overwhelmed by their fear, reaching out to a qualified therapist can make a significant difference in their lives. Therapists trained in techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy or exposure therapy can provide invaluable support, guiding individuals in managing their anxiety and developing coping strategies for a peaceful and enjoyable flying experience.

Tips for Flying with Fear of Flying

  • Prepare in advance by learning about the flying process and common fears.
  • Choose a comfortable seat that minimises triggers, such as an aisle seat or one near the front.
  • Practice deep breathing and relaxation techniques during the flight.
  • Listen to calming music or podcasts to distract from anxious thoughts.
  • Consider speaking with a therapist or joining a fear of flying support group.
  • Simply download Matt Hudson Fear of flying audio now and free yourself from aerophobia today!

Case Study: Curing Flight Phobias

When Belgian singer, actress and T.V. host Karen Franciska Maria Louisa Damen was asked to be in a show that required her to get on a plane, there was a big problem; Karen was terrified of flying. She had been getting traditional therapy for almost a year from one of Belgium’s top therapists but still, she was terrified to travel. With only a couple of weeks to go, Anne Fierlafijn, Founder, MD at Bio-Logical Medical Center, Schoten Belgium and Karen’s doctor, referred her to Matt Hudson. The whole session took less than 5 minutes and Karen left the Bio-Logical Medical Centre fully cured of her flight phobia. Later that month Karen flew to the film destination effortlessly.


Matt Hudson

I’m Matt Hudson and over the last 30 years I’ve helped thousands of people “Get Well Again Naturally” without the aid of medication. My Natural approach has worked for over 100 different ailments, fears, phobias, illnesses and dis-eases.

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